My husband had retired and I was considering retirement, too. Our financial planner suggested that we investigate the costs of insuring ourselves without our employer provided plan. At that point, we discovered THE BENEFIT LINK. The kind, caring and considerate folks at The Benefit Link, found us plans to cover our prescriptions and plans to supplement our Medicare coverage. Not only did they find us coverage, it was actually LESS expensive than the employer provided plan we already had in place.
It was a little tricky (and very frightening) to change coverage; but, they navigated us through the process step-by-step. Our new coverage began in April, 2015, and my paycheck reflected a nice increase without the insurance deduction. Our plans for retirement looked bright indeed.
Unfortunately, the situation took a dark and drastic change when my husband suffered an hemorrhagic stroke in June. He was transported by ambulance to the emergency room and then by helicopter to a stroke center in the city. He spent a couple of weeks in intensive care, another couple of weeks in the hospital, and then the journey really began. He was sent to a rehabilitation hospital, but was too weak for the therapy. That resulted in a move to a nursing home, where he began having extreme confusion resulting in a couple of serious falls, which required a long weekend visit to another stroke center in another city. He returned to the rehabilitation center, the staff had serious concerns about his lack of progress and, once again, he spent a long weekend in a third hospital, for observation. After another stint in rehab and a longer stay in another nursing center, he was finally able to come home on September 4th.
The bills and statements are still arriving in the mail; however, thanks to the blessing of The Benefit Link and the plans they recommended, we have had very minimal out of pocket expenses. During all the stress and strain, it has been a blessing and comfort to know we can rely on our friends at The Benefit Lind to keep our future secure – and improving every day!